About Us

Who is Climb Hike Cyprus?

A joyful climbing duo, wearing helmets and climbing gear, take a triumphant selfie at the summit of a mountain in the Dolomites. The woman, with blonde hair in a braid, is smiling widely and raising both arms in a victory pose, while the man beside her, with glasses and a beard, also beams at the camera. Behind them, rugged mountain peaks rise dramatically under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds.

We are Jenny and Andreas, the passionate duo behind Climb Hike Cyprus. Our shared love for nature and adventure brought us together on this beautiful island. With backgrounds in geology and a deep-rooted connection to the outdoors, we created Climb Hike Cyprus to offer unforgettable outdoor experiences.

Our philosophy is simple: bring people closer to nature. We believe we belong out there. And we believe in sustainable practices, leaving no trace, and always acting with respect for the environment.

Meet Andreas

Andreas, a climbing guide and instructor, ascends a steep rock face in Italy. Wearing a teal shirt and white helmet, he is equipped with a harness full of climbing gear, against a backdrop of dense, green mountain forests.

Andreas Rossidis – Passionate Climber and Outdoor Enthusiast from Cyprus

  • Has been climbing for 12 years.
  • Instructed as Climbing Instructor and Outdoor Activity Specialist at the Adventure Mountain Park in Kyperounta for the past 9 years.
  • Has been running a beginner’s climbing course (learn to lead) for 3 consecutive years now in Cyprus.
  • Accomplished sport climber with an onsight grade of 7b+ and redpoint grade of 8a.
  • Proficient in trad climbing (up to E5), multipitch, and alpine climbing.
  • Route developer in Cyprus and Greece, bolting and developing numerous sport and multipitch routes (~ 25 single pitch routes, ~ 5 mulitpitch routes).
  • Introduction to Mountaineering course in Greece (Parnasos, 2013, 10 days ).
  • Certified Rock Climbing Instructor (Mountain Training).
  • Rock Climbing Development Instructor in training  (Mountain Training).
  • Valid Wilderness First Aid certificate (16 hrs).
  • Born and raised in Kyperounta in the Troodos mountains of Cyprus.
  • BSc in geology from the University of Liverpool.
  • Returned to Cyprus in 2020, driven by a strong connection to the island.

Q&A with Andreas

 The most rewarding experience I had ever since I started CHC, is when one of my young students (age 11) managed to free climb his first 6a.

While guiding others, I often encounter a common obstacle—the fear of falling. In a few instances, successfully navigating through this fear and witnessing individuals achieve ‘a little more’ than they thought possible at the beginning of the session has been one of my most gratifying moments. By ‘a little more,’ I mean experiencing a bit more joy derived from the sport rather than focusing on achieving bigger numerical milestones.

My favourite type of climbing? Hmmm… What can I say? I love it all—from the simple, athletic movement of sport climbing, where safety comes secondary, to the mentally demanding big routes in the mountains. For me, adventure climbing is more emotionally rewarding. At the same time, I also love the satisfaction I experience when pushing myself to my absolute physical limits.

One of my lifetime adventures to date was the expedition to Anafi, a Greek Island in the Cyclades complex. Yes, you heard it right, a Greek island, because adventure can be found literally everywhere. If you’re curious read more about it HERE.

As I mentioned before, adventures are everywhere, and yes, I’ve had some wonderful adventures in Cyprus. Some of the best moments include topping up a line that we just developed just under the thrilling castle of Buffavento. Another memorable experience was returning to the same spot for more, but having to bail due to low visibility and time constraints. It got dark inside a very thick cloud, and we had no sense of orientation.

Hmm… Cyprus? Some might just see it as a home country, but in reality, it’s way more than that. You name it, and Cyprus has it all—sport climbing, adventure climbing, bouldering, biking, skiing, mountains, beaches… I could go on forever. However, what sets it apart from other places is the people living here 🙂

I really don’t like talking about myself in this way… okay, let’s try a few things. Well, I started and progressed in my climbing in Cyprus, which gives me a lot of knowledge about different crags, routes, and what each one can offer. At the same time, I spend enough time abroad, visiting destinations all over Europe mainly, meeting new cultures and understanding how things work in different places when it comes to climbing, of course. Maybe it’s passion? Well, when I’m not working, I’ll be somewhere out climbing for sure, and when not climbing, I’ll be biking or skiing or just spending my time outside. So what sets me apart from the other guides in Cyprus is that climbing and being outside are not primarily my work but foremost my passion and my main drive in life.

Meet Jenny

Jenny Schauroth scaling a large, rugged rock face above the deep blue sea on the Greek island of Anafi. The climber is wearing a white helmet and is clipping a rope into a quickdraw.

Jenny Schauroth – Experienced Hiking Guide, Geologist and most of all Nature Lover.

  • Hiking guide in Cyprus since 2021, both private and in cooperation with tour operators; led over 40 groups so far from Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Israel and Italy.
  • Has a background in science. Extensive fieldwork on volcanoes globally, including Mexico, Guatemala, Iceland, the USA, and Colombia.
  • Specialised Tours: Led specialised tours and workshops focusing on specific geological features, flora, or fauna encountered during hikes.
  • Over 6 years of rock climbing.
  • Enthusiastic sport climber with an onsight grade of 7b and redpoint grade of 7c+.
  • Proficient in trad climbing (up to E5), multipitch, and alpine climbing.
  • Passionate about trail running. Novice mountain biker.
  • Wilderness First Aid Certificate (16 hrs; obtained in 2018, 2021, and 2024).
  • Mountain Leader (Mountain Training).
  • Bergwanderführer in training (alpine hiking guide)
  • Born and raised in the Bavarian countryside, Germany.
  • BSc in Geosciences and an MSc in Geomaterials and Geochemistry, University of Munich.
  • Postgraduate studies in Experimental Volcanology at the University of Liverpool.
  • Relocated to Cyprus in 2021, drawn by the island’s beauty and, of course, Andreas.
  • Fluent in English, Greek, and German; some Spanish & French.

Q&A with Jenny

Last summer I took a family with 2 kids on a geological hike, expecting that mainly the kids would be interested in the rocks. But I was wrong! The adults got so excited by the rocks, they started picking up pieces everywhere and had the same level of excitement as the kids! It was such a wonderful day!

One time I was leading a group in the Troodos mountains when we got surprised by a small black cloud that turned into a crazy hailstorm. The downpour was so strong that, despite our waterproof jackets, we all got absolutely soaked. We had to continue in this weather for about an hour before we reached our bus! But the moment we got on the warm bus, everyone was laughing about the situation. That’s what I love most about my work with the hiking groups; I get to spend time with outdoor lovers who take everything with a pinch of humour!

Uff, difficult question, there are a lot of amazing trails, and some of them feel really wild, but I think my all-time-favourite is the Madari circular trail. As I am so spoiled with where I live, I can go for a trail run up to Madari directly from my house, enjoy the sunset, and run back.

All of them were impressive in their own way, as every volcano is so different. But one of the most impressive experiences I had was taking measurements from the crater of the active Colima volcano in Mexico! At some point, there was a tremor, and we felt everything rumble under us! It was mesmerising!

I still remember the very first outing with the local mountaineering club. They set up top ropes for us at a crag in North Wales, and we could try rock climbing for the first time outside the gym. I think I fell in love with it at that very moment, and I still am! Climbing in the UK is interesting, they have such a huge variety of rock types and climbing but you need to be so lucky with the weather! In Cyprus we’re a bit more lucky when it comes to the weather and climbing 🙂 

To be honest, I love the combination of all types. I love sport climbing to maintain fitness and also to widen my range of skills, but then I do love big adventurous routes on the mountains or first ascents in remote places.

Cyprus is a really special place to me; it is so small indeed but yet has so much to offer! Because of its varied topography, every part of the island is quite distinct on its own. Paphos feels a bit tropical and wild, Troodos feels mountainous and probably the closest to home for me, Pentadaktylos has some areas that feel completely wild and unexplored. And then on top of the beautiful nature, I really like the Cypriots. Life here just feels a little bit lighter than it does back in Germany.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to providing exceptional outdoor experiences that connect people with nature. Join us on an unforgettable adventure.
Climb Hike Cyprus is your gateway to adventure, a chance to explore the unexplored, and a promise to leave you with a deeper appreciation for the natural world. 

Let’s create those unique moments, let’s do it together, on our favourite island.

Our Collaborators

Are you keen for more adventures in the Troodos area? Rent an e-MTB from Adventure Mountain Park!

Are you looking for more than a one day adventure?
Discover Cyprus with Freddy, Cyprus’ first camper van.

Get In Touch With Us

Please feel free to contact us for your next outdoor adventure!

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